root@debian3:/var/agent# bash ####################################################################### # OGP Agent installation and configuration # This program will: # Create or user defined directory # Copy ogp_agent files to or user defined dir # Copy the ogp_agent init script to /etc/init.d or user defined dir # Create an initial configuration file # Thank you for using OGP. ####################################################################### Next you need to type the username of the user that owns the agent homes. This user must own (have access to) all the game home directories that you want to run with this agent and must to be in sudoers list so it can perform administrative tasks. Enter user name: ogp Enter user password: ogptest Next the directory for the agent needs to be chosen. The default directory Should be fine in most of the cases. Where do you want to install the agent? [Default is /home/ogp/OGP/]: /home/ogp/ Agent install dir is /home/ogp/ Where do you want to put the init scripts? [Default /etc/init.d/]: Copying files... `Crypt/' -> `/home/ogp/Crypt/' `Crypt/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/Crypt/.svn/entries' `Crypt/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Crypt/.svn/text-base/' `EHCP/showAccount.php' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/showAccount.php' `EHCP/addAccount.php' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/addAccount.php' `EHCP/listAllUsers.php' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/listAllUsers.php' `EHCP/updatePass.php' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/updatePass.php' `EHCP/updateInfo.php' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/updateInfo.php' `EHCP/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/entries' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/ehcp_ftp_log.txt.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/ehcp_ftp_log.txt.svn-base' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/updatePass.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/updatePass.php.svn-base' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/addAccount.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/addAccount.php.svn-base' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/delAccount.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/delAccount.php.svn-base' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/listAllUsers.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/listAllUsers.php.svn-base' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/syncftp.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/syncftp.php.svn-base' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/showAccount.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/showAccount.php.svn-base' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/updateInfo.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/updateInfo.php.svn-base' `EHCP/.svn/text-base/config.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/.svn/text-base/config.php.svn-base' `EHCP/ehcp_ftp_log.txt' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/ehcp_ftp_log.txt' `EHCP/syncftp.php' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/syncftp.php' `EHCP/config.php' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/config.php' `EHCP/delAccount.php' -> `/home/ogp/EHCP/delAccount.php' `FastDownload/' -> `/home/ogp/FastDownload/' `FastDownload/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/FastDownload/.svn/entries' `FastDownload/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/FastDownload/.svn/text-base/' `File/Copy/' -> `/home/ogp/File/Copy/' `File/Copy/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/File/Copy/.svn/entries' `File/Copy/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/File/Copy/.svn/text-base/' `File/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/File/.svn/entries' `Frontier/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/' `Frontier/Daemon/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/Daemon/.svn/entries' `Frontier/Daemon/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/Daemon/.svn/text-base/' `Frontier/Daemon/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/Daemon/' `Frontier/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/.svn/entries' `Frontier/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/.svn/text-base/' `Frontier/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/.svn/text-base/' `Frontier/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/.svn/text-base/' `Frontier/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/.svn/text-base/' `Frontier/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/' `Frontier/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/' `Frontier/' -> `/home/ogp/Frontier/' `IspConfig/sites_ftp_user_get.php' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/sites_ftp_user_get.php' `IspConfig/sites_ftp_user_update.php' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/sites_ftp_user_update.php' `IspConfig/soap_config.php' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/soap_config.php' `IspConfig/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/.svn/entries' `IspConfig/.svn/text-base/sites_ftp_user_delete.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/.svn/text-base/sites_ftp_user_delete.php.svn-base' `IspConfig/.svn/text-base/sites_ftp_user_get.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/.svn/text-base/sites_ftp_user_get.php.svn-base' `IspConfig/.svn/text-base/soap_config.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/.svn/text-base/soap_config.php.svn-base' `IspConfig/.svn/text-base/sites_ftp_user_update.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/.svn/text-base/sites_ftp_user_update.php.svn-base' `IspConfig/.svn/text-base/sites_ftp_user_add.php.svn-base' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/.svn/text-base/sites_ftp_user_add.php.svn-base' `IspConfig/sites_ftp_user_delete.php' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/sites_ftp_user_delete.php' `IspConfig/sites_ftp_user_add.php' -> `/home/ogp/IspConfig/sites_ftp_user_add.php' `KKrcon/' -> `/home/ogp/KKrcon/' `KKrcon/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/KKrcon/.svn/entries' `KKrcon/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/KKrcon/.svn/text-base/' `KKrcon/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/KKrcon/.svn/text-base/' `KKrcon/' -> `/home/ogp/KKrcon/' `Schedule/' -> `/home/ogp/Schedule/' `Schedule/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/Schedule/.svn/entries' `Schedule/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Schedule/.svn/text-base/' `Time/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/' `Time/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/' `Time/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/' `Time/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/' `Time/.svn/entries' -> `/home/ogp/Time/.svn/entries' `Time/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/.svn/text-base/' `Time/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/.svn/text-base/' `Time/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/.svn/text-base/' `Time/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/.svn/text-base/' `Time/.svn/text-base/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/.svn/text-base/' `Time/' -> `/home/ogp/Time/' `' -> `/home/ogp/' `ogp_screenrc' -> `/home/ogp/ogp_screenrc' `ogp_agent_run' -> `/home/ogp/ogp_agent_run' `' -> `/home/ogp/' `extPatterns.txt' -> `/home/ogp/extPatterns.txt' Copying ogp_agent.init.dbn to /etc/init.d - Debian Style Init Changing files owner to user ogp... Setting Permissions on files in /home/ogp... Install Successful! Now configuring... Overwrite old configuration? (yes/no) [Default yes]: ####################################################################### OGP agent uses basic encryption to prevent unauthorized users from connecting Enter a string of alpha-numeric characters for example 'abcd12345' **** NOTE - Use the same key in your Open Game Panel webpage config file - they must match ***** Set encryption key: ogptest Set the listen port for the agent. The default should be fine for everyone. However, if you want to change it that can be done here, otherwise just press Enter. Set listen port [Default 12679]: 50555 Set the listen IP for the agent. Use to bind on all interfaces. Set listen IP [Default]: For some games the OGP panel is using Steam client. This client has its own license that you need to agree before continuing. This agreement is available at Do you accept the terms of Steam(tm) Subscriber Agreement? (Accept|Reject): Accept Writing Config file - /home/ogp/Cfg/ The agent should be updated when the service is restarted or started? (yes|no) [Default yes]: The agent should backup the server log files in the game server directory? (yes|no) [Default yes]: After how many days should be deleted the old backups of server's logs? [Default 30]: The agent should automatically restart game servers if they crash? (yes|no) [Default yes]: What mirror you want to use for updating the agent?: 1 - SourceForge, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois, US) 2 - AARNet (Melbourne, Australia, AU) 3 - CityLan (Moscow, Russian Federation, RU) 4 - Free France (Paris, France, FR) 5 - (Ancona, Italy, IT) 6 - HEAnet (Ireland, IE) 7 - HiVelocity (Tampa, FL, US) 8 - Internode (Adelaide, Australia, AU) 9 - Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Nomi, Japan, JP) 10 - (Almaty, Kazakhstan, KZ) 11 - University of Kent (Canterbury, United Kingdom, GB) 12 - NetCologne (K&ouml;ln, Germany, DE) 13 - Optimate-Server (Germany, DE) 14 - Softlayer (Dallas, TX, US) 15 - SURFnet (Zurich, Switzerland, CH) 16 - SWITCH (Zurich, Switzerland, CH) 17 - Centro de Computacao Cientifica e Software Livre (Curitiba, Brazil, BR) 13 Should Open Game Panel create and manage FTP accounts? (yes|no) [Default yes]: If you are running ISPConfig 3 in this machine the agent can use it to create FTP accounts instead of using Pure-FTPd. Would you like to configure this agent to use the API of ISPConfig 3? (yes|no) [Default no]: If you have installed the Easy Hosting Control Panel (EHCP -, the agent can use it to create FTP accounts instead of using Pure-FTPd. Would you like to configure this agent to use the API of EHCP? (yes|no) [Default no]: The agent can use ProFTPd to create FTP accounts. Would you like to configure this agent to use the ProFTPd? (yes|no) [Default no]: Writing Preferences file - /home/ogp/Cfg/ Writing bash script preferences file - /home/ogp/Cfg/bash_prefs.cfg Installation complete! Start the agent manually to test it like this: cd /home/ogp ./ If everything looks good, hit <Ctrl C> to kill the agent. The agent can be started with the init scripst by using following command /etc/init.d/ogp_agent start